Le taux d’endettement est un indicateur clé que les banques et les établissements de crédit utilisent pour évaluer votre capacité à emprunter.Il repré...
Vous souhaitez investir dans l’immobilier afin de développer votre patrimoine, réduire vos impôts ou anticiper votre retraite. Cependant, vous ne save...
Chaque individu possède un patrimoine. En immobilier, ce patrimoine représente la valeur d’un ensemble de biens à un instant T, évalué au prix du marc...
Mettre en location un bien comporte de nombreuses étapes et demande une bonne connaissance de la réglementation en vigueur. Trouver le locataire idéal...
L’article 6 de la loi du 6 juillet 1989 précise que « le bailleur est tenu de remettre au locataire un logement décent ne laissant pas apparaître de r...
Dans ce guide complet, découvrez la vente longue en immobilier : définition, caractéristiques et avantages de ce type de transaction immobilière. Quel...
Propriétaires d’une maison en commun, vous souhaitez divorcer sans pour autant payer le droit de partage à la vente de votre bien. Vendre avant le div...
La vente d’un bien immobilier est un moment particulier pour un propriétaire. Selon une enquête menée en 2019 par Optimhome, 74 % des vendeurs ont eu...
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2024, in Sierck-les-Bains and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2017, in Villefranche-sur-Saône and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2022, in Bagnères-de-Bigorre and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2020, in LA ROCHELLE and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2020, in Colombes and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2021, in Authume and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2020, in Pougny and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2021, in Gironcourt-sur-Vraine and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2022, in LE LUDE and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2024, in Lamballe and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2023, in Digne-les-Bains and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2017, in Janzé and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2021, in Saint-Robert and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2016, in LA FARE LES OLIVIERS and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2019, in Bach and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2021, in Maisons-Alfort and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2022, in Espéraza and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2018, in Chamalières and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2017, in Vernon and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2019, in Mureils and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2018, in Chanteloup and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2022, in Chanteloup and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2009, in Saint-Cyr-sous-Dourdan and surrounding area. Specialties :
Independent property consultant with the Optimhome network since 2024, in Clermont-Ferrand and surrounding area. Specialties :